3 Easter Misconceptions

CBN Team

April 28, 2022

CBN Team

April 28, 2022

3 Easter Misconceptions

3 Easter Misconceptions

by Charmain Hibberd

Creative Media Assistant, CBN UK

Easter – it rolls around every year. How about this year, we break down the common trends associated with Easter and look at their modern validity? Could it be that, with some of our traditions and mindsets, we’ve gotten Easter wrong?

This year we believe it would be poignant to take a step back and look at Easter from a zoomed-out perspective. Let’s explore 3 classic misconceptions about Easter that can rob the beauty of the season. 

Misconception 1: It’s all about chocolate eggs and fluffy bunnies. 

No doubt, we are all excited about being visited by the infamous easter bunny and consuming much chocolate over this Easter period. There is nothing wrong with this. It is a wonderful way to slow down, enjoy the bank holiday weekend and indulge a little. 

But when the balance is tipped in favour of chocolate and bunnies instead of death, resurrection, and eternal life – we have missed something! 

Let us commit this year to put the credit card down, leave the chocolate alone for 5 minutes and remember the real reason for the season. 

Jesus. His death. His resurrection. His victory. Our victory. 

Misconception 2: Easter is a sub-holiday; Christmas is the big deal. 

Now, I am not deterring from the magic and wonder that Christmastime brings. It is a beautiful part of the year when we get to celebrate our Saviour’s birth, the moment He entered the world as Immanuel. God with us.  

My emphasis is that we should consider the magnitude of Easter and realign our thinking on how powerful the Easter season is. 

It is wonderful that Jesus came and lived a human life for 33 years, experiencing the full spectrum of emotion and life. But His purpose in doing this was to be crucified; to die and to be raised to life again! 

Surely this makes Easter a pivotal celebration in our year. One certainly worthy of our devotion and attention. Jesus. His death. His resurrection. His victory. Our victory. 

Misconception 3: Easter’s for kids, not for me, thanks. 

There are people in our world who do not celebrate Easter. People who do not consider Easter to be for them. Whilst this is everyone’s choice, may I make a case for Easter? 

“For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him.’ 

(John 3:16-17 NLT) 


Easter is for everyone, friends. 

‘For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. Yet God, in his grace, freely makes us right in his sight. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins.’ 

(Romans 3:23-24 NLT) 

Every soul needs the Saviour. We have all done things wrong in our lives that are deserving of reprimand. Things that separate us from the perfect love and holiness of the Father. But, in His mercy, God sent Jesus to pay the price for all the things that we have done wrong. We have a Saviour in Jesus. All we must do is accept Him. Receive Him. And through accepting His sacrifice and receiving Him into our hearts, we are reconnected with the Father AND are open to receive His Holy Spirit.  

This exchange is magnificent. Unfathomable. Available. 

This Easter, if you are of the mindset that you are too old, too far gone, not interested or flat out against it, please take a moment and ask God to make Himself known to you. To make Himself real to you. Then wait…and see what our God would do. 

God bless you.  

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