Real Life Stories

Real Life Stories

by Charmain Hibberd

Creative Media Assistant, CBN UK

You may find it difficult to share your faith with those who don’t yet know Jesus, you may have experienced push back and even debate as you tried to share the love of God for another individual.

But there is one thing that you have that cannot be taken away from you – your testimony of salvation. Read on to discover how Jesus laid ahold of Charmain, one of our Creative Media Assistants, and be encouraged!

The Touch of God

I will never forget the moment I felt the touch of God on my life. 

I had been heavily depressed and studying for a degree in acting at a prestigious drama school in the UK, and with every day that went by I was struggling to keep my head above water.  

The depression had set in to such a point that getting up and dressed in the morning was proving to be a herculean task.  

My friend, Cath, who was also studying in the same year as me on the same course, saw me struggling. She invited me to her church time and time again, but I wasn’t ready. I would politely decline. Little did I know that she was praying for me… 

One weekend, Cath and my best friend, Sian, went on a Christian retreat. I was distraught! What was I supposed to do alone in the city with only my depression to keep me company? 

Cath, very strategically, left me with 2 booklets to read whilst she and Sian were away. They were called ‘Reality Bites’ and ‘Lord I said I wouldn’t fail you, but I did’. I sat in my room the whole weekend weeping. The first booklet – Reality Bites – talked about student life and the scrapes you can get yourself into whilst studying – debt, promiscuity, drinking, drugs etc. I recognised myself in all of it.  

But then there was the second booklet. This booklet talked about salvation and promised a person who could scoop you up, clean you up and set your feet on solid ground again. He could forgive you, change your life for the better and never leave your side.  ‘He could forgive you, change your life for the better and never leave your side.’  


As I say, I wept.  

The thought that, in the depths of my depression, someone could help me, love me, rescue me, sounded too good to be true.  

Cath and Sian returned from their Church weekend away and, once again, Cath invited me to Church. 

This time, with a softened heart, I agreed.  

All Cath said to me before I walked into the church building that day was “just be open.” 

So, I walked into the church building and was greeted by a kindness I had not known for a long time. People were smiling at me and welcoming me and generally giving off a positive and inviting, almost, aroma! 

As I walked into the main hall, I sensed a peace and a warmth that blew me away. What I now know as the Holy Spirit, was tangibly present in that room.  

The worship music started, and I finally let go. I cried and cried. 

Then, I unmistakably felt a huge weight being lifted off of my back. My eyes fill with tears even as I write this because I remember the feeling of falling backwards as if someone had taken a backpack of guilt, shame and depression off of my shoulders.  

Friends, I gave my life to Jesus that night.  

He is all I have ever wanted and all I will ever need.  

I extend the same invitation to you today. 

This is my real-life story.   

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